Ethics, really?

The fact is as simple as this : I am a moral philosopher with a bad craving : Retail Therapy.

I’m currently struggling with matching my Maryshoppings lifestyle with my caring heart. I like nice things but they often have more than just a monetary price and it just doesn’t feel right anymore to shop fast without thinking of the other costs..

I think a lot now before I shop..

I think about the people behind the goods and the cost to our environment.

Where does the goods come from?  Who made them and are the people properly paid? Do they work in a good environment? Are the fabrics ecological? And what does that mean exactly?

In this blog you can follow my search through slow fashion, honest fabrics, inventive alternatives and so to a more ethical fashion- and lifestyle.

Can I match my caring heart with my bad craving?

* Introduction of ‘Fashionista’s closet’ :

The definition of ‘Slow Fashion’ tells us basically about the focus on nature and people. One of the key concepts : Slow down your consumption! I thought about a way to do that, you can read about my idea in this article.

* Introduction of Alain went crazy with Post-its :

In this article you can read how it’s possible to shop and care by using apps that inform you of the sustainability of a label.


Do you have an idea or business proposal to share or do you just like coffee as much as me?

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Ethics, really?

The fact is as simple as this : I am a moral philosopher with a bad craving : Retail Therapy.

I’m currently struggling with matching my Maryshoppings lifestyle with my caring heart. I like nice things but they often have more than just a monetary price and it just doesn’t feel right anymore to shop fast without thinking of the other costs..

I think a lot now before I shop..

I think about the people behind the goods and the cost to our environment.

Where does the goods come from?  Who made them and are the people properly paid? Do they work in a good environment? Are the fabrics ecological? And what does that mean exactly?

In this blog you can follow my search through slow fashion, honest fabrics, inventive alternatives and so to a more ethical fashion- and lifestyle.

Can I match my caring heart with my bad craving?

* Introduction of ‘Fashionista’s closet’ :

The definition of ‘Slow Fashion’ tells us basically about the focus on nature and people. One of the key concepts : Slow down your consumption! I thought about a way to do that, you can read about my idea in this article.

* Introduction of Alain went crazy with Post-its :

In this article you can read how it’s possible to shop and care by using apps that inform you of the sustainability of a label.

Who is Mary?

stefanie kleurHi there,

I’m a twentysomething (okay I’m much closer to thirty than to twenty) young woman with an urge to shop, a passion for fashion & lifestyle and a big heart for justice and honesty.

Above that I’m also very much in love with life, my boyfriend and my little fluffball Froufrou.

At this stage in my life and in the society as it is today, I find myself -as a young woman- in different roles and constantly stimulated by impulses. It makes me wonder… a lot

I’m currently struggling with matching my Maryshoppings lifestyle with my caring heart. I like nice things but they often have more than just a monetary price.

In this blog you can follow my search trough slow fashion, honest fabrics, inventive alternatives and so to a more ethic fashion-and lifestyle.

          Meet my world and my wonders..

Lees verder “Who is Mary?”

SHOP / Styling

Do you want to shop ethical accessoires?

Follow this link : Maryshoppings

Do you fancy a more ecological dressingroom? Or do you have a creative problem?

Maryshoppings guides you through! Contact me for advice!